Geist Reservoir

Living in Geist | Lake Life in an Indianapolis Neighborhood

Geist Reservoir - Indiana | Drone Footage

Is GEIST Indiana Worth the Hype? Discover the Pros and Cons of Calling GEIST Indiana Home

Citizens Energy Group gives limestone quarry near Geist Reservoir new purpose

Car reported stolen in late 1980s recovered from Geist Reservoir

Family in Geist faces $75,000 decision over patio

Typical Day at Geist Reservoir!

Geist Reservoir Pre spawn Bass Fishing. Is this the Best Bass lake in Indiana?

Neighbor recounts details of death at Geist Reservoir

Catfishing on Geist Reservoir

Geist Reservoir Tuesday Night Smackdown!

Indianapolis man pulled from water at Geist Reservoir dies

Step Through Time - Geist Reservoir Area History

No, there aren't any sharks in Geist Reservoir

Local musician dies after drowning at Geist Reservoir

Dam Construction at Geist Reservoir, 1942

Geist Access In Indianapolis Indiana | Easy or Not?

Geist Reservoir Homes For Sale Indianapolis

LAKEFRONT HOME for Sale on Geist Reservoir | 11065 Woods Bay Lane, Indianapolis

Geist Reservoir with some family

July 4 on Geist Reservoir

Missing man's body found in Geist Reservoir

Lake Life 2020 with Airhead on Geist Reservoir

Middletown man's body recovered from Geist Reservoir